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"I'm new here" 🐣

tl;dr: SpeedyBot helps you efficiently design, deploy, and secure rich conversation systems-- especially in enterprises and large teams with complex requirements

Follow the quick setup below to go from zero to a SpeedyBot running on your local machine (which you can later seamlessly deploy to any infrastructure you want if needed)

Step I: Grab Your Access Token

The flow to get a token will look roughly like this:

Validate Token

Once you've got your token, pop it into the box below to validate it & review your bot's details

Is this safe??

Your bot token is a highly sensitive credential and should be protected with encryption and proper secrets management.

SpeedyBot does NOT log/persist or do anything (except what you tell it to do) with your bot token.

REMEMBER: If your agent's access token is ever compromised/exposed, you can always invalidate it + get a new one by tapping "Regenerate Access Token" under your agent's settings page

Step II: Send a Test Message with Your Access Token

  • Let's test out your bot access token by sending a SpeedyCard to you as a direct message (tap the 🎲 to shuffle through some examples as inspiration or write your own)

  • When you're ready, tap the Send Message tab and use the email you signed up with as the destination and hit Send-- in about a second you should receive a new message from your bot

Step III: Setup your SpeedyBot Listener

  • In fact, any user interaction with your bot right now— be it a message, SpeedyCard submission, or file upload, results in icy radio silence

  • That's because there's nobody "home" to answer the request-- SpeedyBot can "listen" for messages (or card data submissions or files) so anytime someone interacts with your bot it will respond back automatically per your instructions

Run your bot from your computer

Copy the commands below to get up and running

npx -y speedybot@^2.0.0 setup --project default --boot --install 
bunx speedybot@^2.0.0 setup --bun --project default --boot --install 
git clone --depth 1
cd speedybot
cd examples/speedybot-starter
npm i
npm run bot:setup __ACCESS__TOKEN__HERE__
npm run dev
Getting errors?

If you see an error like npm: command not found you probably need to install node or a compatible runtime onto your system.

There are many ways to do this, but two easy ways:

If you use Windows, see the Windows Quickstart

Option 1 Download + install Node from the official site:


Option 2 Download with Volta in the terminal

curl | bash

volta install node

However you set up your system, make sure to run node -v in your terminal to verify node is correctly installed and you can get up and running with npx speedybot setup --project default:

Note: If you really want to speedy things up try it with Bun and install with curl -fsSL | bash

Now send a message to your bot and you'll see a welcome screen with buttons and cards:

You can now customize this bot however you want by editing the file settings/bot.ts

You can turn off your bot by holding down CTRL-C on your keyboard or exiting the terminal. To turn your bot back "on", open your terminal to your project directory and enter npm run dev

Whether you're just starting out on your conversation design journey or a seasoned pro, SpeedyBot has you covered for crafting bots that can do it all-- securely integrate w/ LLMs + content management systems, process file-uploads, segment content based on user data + behavior, let users upload documents and then 'chat' with them using an LLM and a R.A.G. pattern, create + manage SpeedyCards, ask for a user's location in a privacy-respecting way, and much more.

When you're ready to deploy it to a server, serverless function or virtually any infrastructure/device, check out the examples