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This UI pattern was a major inspiration for building SpeedyBot 2.0-- how to efficiently allocate the edits to "stream in" responses from an LLM service.

  • You can make up to 10 edits on a WebEx message which can approximate the "stream-in" effect on some LLM applications (otherwise the latency involved with forcing a user to "just wait-it-out" until the model completes is an awful experience)

  • Streaming is implemented using: (from, although vercel and others have libraries that could work

Example Stream:

1) Fetch repo & install deps

git clone
cd speedybot/examples/worker
npm i

2) Get + Set your bot access token

You can set your BOT_TOKEN by running this script in the project directory:

npm run bot:setup <your_token_here>

Set token by hand

Copy the file .env.example as .env in the root of your project and save your access token under the BOT_TOKEN field, ex


3) Set your OpenAI api Key

Add it to your .env file manually or by running the following command:

npm run bot:addsecret OPEN_AI_KEY=sk-abcdefhg73624429defghijkl5

Your .env file should look like this:


4) Take it for a spin

Send a message to your agent and attempt a generation

  • This is a bare-bones example which can be easily extended-- To see a reference (which depends a storage/state mechanism) which will manage conversational context + swap personas, handle file-uploads (.doc, xlsx files, and other) and inject into prompt, see here:

Note: this example happens to use OpenAI, but you can swap-in HuggingFace, Anthropic or roll your own