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speedybot / Exports


Table of contents


Type Aliases

Type Aliases


Ƭ $Magic<T>: { buildDMLink: (target: string, label: string) => string ; buildDataSnippet: (data: any, type?: string) => string ; buildLink: (destinationURL: string, label?: string, noBold?: boolean) => string ; card: (config?: Partial<AbbreviatedSpeedyCard>) => SpeedyCard ; clearScreen: (c?: number) => Promise<MessageResponse> ; debug: () => DebugInfo ; edit: (m: MessageResponse, e: string) => Promise<MessageResponse> ; fillTemplate: (utterances: string[], template: { [key: string]: string | number; }) => string ; getFile: (url: string, opts?: { responseType?: "arraybuffer" | "json" }) => Promise<{ bytes: number ; contentType: string ; extension: string ; name: string ; url: string ; getData: <T>() => Promise<T> }> ; pickRandom: <P>(list: P[]) => P<P>(min: number, max: number) => number<P>(listOrMin: number | P[], max?: number) => number | P ; reply: (message: string) => Promise<MessageResponse> ; send: (m: Message) => Promise<MessageResponse> ; sendFile: <T>(data: T, fileExtension: string) => Promise<MessageResponse> ; thread: (threadData: [string | SpeedyCard, ...string[]] & { length: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 }) => any } & IncomingItem<T>

Type parameters


Defined in
